Press Releases

Carbon Clean launches breakthrough industrial carbon capture solution

28 October 2021
Carbon Clean launches world’s smallest industrial carbon capture technology, overcoming a key barrier to widespread CCUS adoption and industrial decarbonisation.

  • The prefabricated, modular solution will make carbon capture simple, affordable, and scalable
  • CycloneCC has been developed in the UK, with the support of industrial heavyweights, university partners and the UK government

The world’s smallest industrial carbon capture solution – CycloneCC – has been launched today by Carbon Clean, a global leader in cost-effective industrial carbon capture. The innovation is a breakthrough for the sector – bringing the technology within reach of many more and shifting the economics of carbon capture.

The size of carbon capture technology has been a significant barrier to adoption. Earlier this month, a Decarb Connect survey of hard-to-abate industries – Scaling up CCUS – market insights – found that space remains a major concern and that industries need to be able to integrate carbon capture solutions within their existing footprint.

CycloneCC has a footprint that will be ten times smaller than conventional carbon capture, making it easily deployable in less than 8 weeks. The solution will also reduce capex and opex by up to 50%, driving down the cost of carbon capture to $30/tonne on average – a cost that is well below the current EU carbon price and makes the economic case for carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) undeniable.

Co-founder & CEO of Carbon Clean, Aniruddha Sharma said:

“With many industrial plants having limited space, the biggest barriers to widespread CCUS adoption have been the size and cost of existing technology. Carbon Clean is breaking down these barriers with the world’s smallest industrial carbon capture solution. CycloneCC is the next generation of technology that will make carbon capture simple, affordable, and scalable – bringing it within reach of a huge number of industrial emitters, especially those with small to mid-size emission point sources.”

It will be impossible to reach net zero without a huge uptick in CCUS – the International Energy Agency has stated that CCUS capacity deployment must be 50% higher than currently predicted trajectories if the world is to reach net zero by 2050 (CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions, September 2020). CycloneCC is set to make this achievable and play a significant role in helping industrial companies realise their net zero ambitions.

UK Energy & Climate Change Minister, Greg Hands said:

“We want the UK to be a world leader in developing and deploying Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage technology, which will be a critical tool in decarbonising industry and ensuring our manufacturers remain internationally competitive.

“Backed by £5 million of government funding, Carbon Clean’s innovative new technology will help make the widespread industrial adoption of carbon capture a reality, supporting UK industries to decarbonise while attracting new investment as we work towards ending our contribution to climate change by 2050.”

The technology has been successfully pilot tested at 1 TPD in the UK and US and is currently being commercialised at 10 TPD and 100 TPD with select partners, including CEMEX and Veolia, for final product roll out by summer 2022 and market roll out in 2023.

In the UK, Carbon Clean is currently demonstrating a pilot plant at Doosan Babcock’s Emission Reduction Test Facility (ERTF) in Renfrew, Scotland, working with Newcastle University, the University of Sheffield, and with support from the UK government.

Whilst in the US, a Department of Energy sponsored project known as ROTA-CAP, led by GTI in Chicago, tested Carbon Clean’s next-generation solvents and the rotating packed bed (RBP) process on a mobile development skid which has since been moved to the National Carbon Capture Center.

With COP26 getting underway, CycloneCC will shift the conversation around industrial decarbonisation. This next generation technology will drive down the cost of carbon capture to the point where all essential heavy industries, such as cement and steel, can play their part in mitigating climate change.


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Notes to Editors

About CycloneCC

CycloneCC uses two proven technologies: Carbon Clean's advanced, proprietary amine-promoted buffer salt solvent (APBS-CDRMax®) and rotating packed beds (RPBs). 

When used together they ensure CycloneCC is far more efficient than conventional carbon capture methods, reducing costs while matching the performance. Using RPBs, instead of a conventional large chimney stack, improves the absorption of CO2 into the solvent, and has a ten times smaller footprint. It is expected to deliver cost of carbon capture of $30/tonne. 

Built on an easy-to-transport skid mount, each CycloneCC unit can be delivered ready to install and fully operational in less than eight weeks. 

CycloneCC is currently being commercialised at 10 TPD and 100 TPD with selected partners for final product roll out by summer 2022 and market roll out in 2023. 

To request a visit to see Carbon Clean's CycloneCC unit at Doosan Babcock's Emissions Reduction Test Facility in Glasgow, contact 

About Carbon Clean

Carbon Clean is a global leader in cost-effective CO2 capture technology and services. The company’s patented technology significantly reduces the costs and environmental impacts of CO2 separation when compared to existing techniques.

Carbon Clean has proven its technology at scale in power, cement, refineries, CHP and heavy industry boilers in over 10 locations including the UK, USA, Germany, India, Norway and the Netherlands. It is currently in use at the world's largest industrial-scale carbon capture and utilisation plant in Tuticorin, India for the chemicals sector. the UK government has supported the development of Carbon Clean's technology through competitive grants. 

The company was awarded a ‘Technology Pioneer’ award by the World Economic Forum and most recently selected as one of Cemex Ventures Top50 ConTech Startups and named a 2021 Global Cleantech 100 company.

For information about Carbon Clean:

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Carbon Clean launches world’s smallest industrial carbon capture technology, overcoming a key barrier to widespread CCUS adoption and industrial decarbonisation.

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