Press Releases

Carbon Clean announces former U.S. Secretary of Energy as advisor

26 October 2021

Carbon Clean, a global leader in cost-effective carbon capture solutions, announced today that Ernest J. Moniz, former U.S. Secretary of Energy, has joined as an advisor to its Board of Directors. Moniz, the founder of strategic advisory firm EJM Associates, will guide the company on its strategy to become a leading player in the low-carbon transition.

“Carbon capture is central to a robust climate response – decarbonizing power plants and industrial facilities, enabling hydrogen production and atmospheric carbon dioxide removal,” said Moniz. “Ramping up deployment now is crucial and innovating in cost-reducing carbon capture technology is a key. I’m pleased to be advising Carbon Clean at this critical time for industrial decarbonisation.”

Moniz served as U.S. Secretary of Energy from 2013-2017 under President Barack Obama, and was a key architect of the Paris Agreement on climate action. As Secretary of Energy, he was tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obama’s goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment.

Aniruddha Sharma, Co-founder & CEO of Carbon Clean said:

"Ernest Moniz is incredibly knowledgeable and respected for his work on innovation in energy and will be a huge asset to Carbon Clean as we build on our projects pipeline and delivery partnerships in North America. His appointment as advisor represents a huge vote of confidence in our approach.”

Sharma adds that Carbon Clean is rapidly expanding in North America building on its established reputation as a provider of cost-effective carbon capture technology having raised $30 million investment from major corporations including Chevron Technology Ventures and funds like WAVE Equity Partners over the last 15 months. It is also working with key US partners to develop innovative solutions including the U.S. Department of Energy, BayoTech, CEMEX, the Gas Technology Institute, and the National Carbon Capture Center.


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Notes to editors

About Carbon Clean

Carbon Clean is a global leader in cost-effective CO2 capture technology and services. The company’s patented technology significantly reduces the costs and environmental impacts of CO2 separation when compared to existing techniques.

Carbon Clean has proven its technology at scale in more than 10 different global locations including the UK, US, Germany, India, Norway and the Netherlands. Today, its technology is installed in more than 38 facilities around the world.

The company’s key investment partners include CEMEX, Chevron Technology Ventures, Equinor, Marubeni Corporation, WAVE Equity Partners and ICOS Capital. Its innovative work has been supported by funding from both the U.S. Department of Energy and the UK government through competitive grants. Carbon Clean’s North America footprint currently includes operations in California, Chicago, Illinois and at the University of Kentucky.

The company was awarded a ‘Technology Pioneer’ award by the World Economic Forum and most recently selected as one of Cemex Ventures Top50 ConTech Startups and named a 2021 Global Cleantech 100 company.

For information about Carbon Clean:

About Ernest J. Moniz

Ernest J. Moniz served as United States Secretary of Energy from 2013-17. Prior to his appointment, Dr. Moniz was the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a faculty member since 1973. At MIT, he headed the Department of Physics and the Bates Linear Accelerator Center. He is CEO and founder of EJM Associates, a Washington, DC-based strategic advisory firm.

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Carbon Clean, a global leader in cost-effective carbon capture solutions, announced today that Ernest J. Moniz, former U.S. Secretary of Energy, has joined as an advisor to its Board of Directors. Moniz, the founder of strategic advisory firm EJM Associates, will guide the company on its strategy to become a leading player in the low-carbon transition.

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